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Frequently Asked Questions

Looking for violin lessons, viola lessons or cello lessons?  Interested in virtual music lessons or in person music lessons? Here are some common questions relating to these services. You can come prepared for your first lesson by reading through these topics.

online Lessons

Online Lesson

Q. Are virtual music lessons as effective as in person lessons?

A. Taking violin, viola, or cello lessons online can be very effective. We have had students successfully prepare for string competitions as well as college auditions using strictly virtual music lessons. For best results, you may be required to purchase additional equipment, depending on your individual case. 

Q. What experience do you have teaching virtual music lessons?

A. Aside from teaching a full studio entirely online during the pandemic, we both have been teaching online music lessons since 2016 as part of our regular schedule. Whether the student was full - time using Skype or Zoom, or just on occasion for inclement weather, we have developed consistently successful methods of teaching string instruments online.

Q. What is the cost of virtual music lessons?

A.  A full list of pricing will be coming soon.  In the meantime, contact us using the form found on the Lesson + Edu page.



Q. What equipment/materials will I need for my lessons and practice?

A. All students will need an instrument of decent playable quality with a good case (to avoid scams, speak with an experienced teacher!), one music stand for at home practice, quality rosin, metronome, tuner (we prefer pitch producing tuners. We recommend avoiding the use of the pitch identifying tuners), assigned sheet music, and a notebooks for taking notes. You may need additional equipment for Zoom or Skype Lessons.



Q. How much do you charge for lessons?

A. This is a new site. We will be adding more information on prices for lessons and classes soon. In the meantime, contact us using the form on Lessons + Edu.

early childhood

Early Childhood

Q. Do you have experience teaching early childhood lessons?

A. Both Adam and Julia have extensive experience teaching children at very young ages (as young as 2 years old). Both provided private lessons for Pre K - Elementary age students at the Independence School through the MusicKids program. In addition to working with MusicKids, both teachers have had many young students in their private home studios, as well. They've also jointly led a K - Elemantary summer music camp at the Oxford Library in 2018 and 2019.

Q. How early can a child start taking music lessons?

A. This is really decided on a case by case basis. Generally we recommend waiting until 3 years old, but have accepted students as young as 2 in the past. 

Q. Do I need to be present at the music lessons with my child?

A. We highly recommend that parents attend all lessons for very young children. You will be learning alongside them in most cases, so you are able to provide the necessary support at home. 

Q. How much should my child practice?

A. Required/recommended practice time varies with both the age and level of the student. For example, a 3 year old student in their first month of learning should be expected to practice every day for 5 to15 minutes. This time can be spread out through out the day, if needed. Consistency and quality is more important than quantity. This is why it is vital you are present for every lesson and practice session. This is also the best time to build a habit of daily practice. Older and more advanced children should aim for at least 30 to 60 minutes* of practice (again age and level need to be considered).



*Very serious students may consider practicing considerably more.

rent or

Rent or Buy

Q. How do I get a violin, viola, or cello?

A. The first thing you need to consider is quality. Whether renting or buying a violin, viola, or cello, you need an instrument that will work properly. There are many products on the market that appear to be a workable instrument (we call these violin-shaped-objects), but they are riddled with problems. Work with an experienced teacher who can help you find something in your price range that will work well. 

Q. Is it better to rent or buy?

A. This depends on a few things. Work with an experienced string teacher to determine a budget. Then based on availability, you can consider your best options. We will say, sometimes it is best to start with a rental, if the student is still growing.

Q. How to determine the correct size?

A. We prefer if students let us size them, as opposed to going to a music store. 


Adult Lessons

Q. Is it ever too late to start the violin, viola, or cello?

A. Simple answer: Absolutely not!

Q. Do you have experience teaching adults?

A. Yes, we have a lot of experience with adult students. Whether they're returning to the instrument after time away, or just picking up music for the first time, we can help them get on a rewarding path of making music!

Q. I'm very busy, and I'm afraid I won't have enough time to practice. How will this affect my progress?

A. No matter the age of the student, consistency is key when it comes to practice. Quantity may vary day to day, but focus on including practice every single day (even if it is only 5 minutes in the morning or before bed). You can still pursue your love of music, as long as you can regularly fit in as little as 20 - 30 minutes of practice a day. It's ok if some days are longer or shorter. Be up front with how much time you'll have to practice, so we can set up a good routine for you.

In Person

In Person Lessons

Q. Do you offer in person lessons?

A. Yes. We offer in person lessons in the Chester County, PA area. For more information, use the contact form found at Lessons + Edu.


Suzuki Method

Q. Do you use the Suzuki Method in your lessons?

A. We use certain tenants of the Suzuki Method to varying degrees. We'll share more about our teaching style in educational blogs on this site. (Coming soon)



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